Multidimensional Learning Space

Multidimensional Learning Space

Multi-Dimensional Learning Space (MDLS) is a during-school and after-school program that provides multi-dimensional learning opportunities for school children to explore, experiment, discover, and learn in multiple ways. MDLS also provides students exposure to a wide variety of areas beyond the school curriculum. Here Learning is not restricted to a curriculum. It should extend to help holistic and balanced development of a child. According to the 2018 data, India’s literacy rate is at 74.04% Tripura has achieved a literacy rate of 94.65% and Bihar is the least literate state in India, with a literacy of 63.82% Youth Literacy rate age between(15-24) is 92%, 70% of children study in Government sector And 50% of students are dropout after 10. Get the Info graphic view of Multi-Dimensional Learning Space. Multidimensional learning space Source From :- India Literacy Project

Activities Our platform is an open platform for children where they express their ideas on science, social science, arts and computers and to grow in all fields not only studies but in extra curricular activities, where they exude confidence, learn by listening and doing, where they inspired to do new things, Teachers teach in ways more than one, Teachers Train teachers on alternate methods of teaching, creating lesson plans, managing classrooms better , school management software and more, Career Counseling Explain the various career options available both in their local economy and outside and also encouraged to choose careers that embrace and enhance local economies. We provide all type of courses in our multidimensional learning Space.

Key aspects Along with we also provide Smart Classroom Setup Infrastructure (laptop, projector, speakers, digital content and experiment kits) for visual/experiential learning, Low cost Science/Math Kit Provide every school with a low cost lab created using every day materials to teach math, science, Virtual Learning Spaces, Improve reading levels though a unique library program. We also organize Inter-school competitions to provide a platform for hands on projects and cross school learning.

10 Ways to Search Google for Information That 96% of People Don’t Know About

10 Ways to Search Google for Information That 96% of People Don’t Know About

In our era of advanced technology and high-speed Internet connections, you can find information on virtually anything. In the space of just a few minute, we can find recipes for the tastiest pie or learn all about the theory of wave-particle duality. But more often than not, we have to sift through a vast body of knowledge to get the information we need, and this can take hours rather than minutes. This is why we have put together a list of the most effective methods for searching Google to help you find the precious material you’re looking for in just a couple of clicks.

  1. Either this or that Sometimes we’re not sure that we’ve correctly remembered the information or the name we need to start our search. But this doesn’t have to be a problem! Simply put in a few potential variations of what you’re looking for, and separate them by typing the “|“ symbol. Instead of this symbol you can also use ”or.” Then it’s easy enough to choose the result that makes the most sense. Like: Vinod Khanna or Mehra

  2. Searching using synonyms Our language is rich in synonyms. Sometimes this can be very convenient when doing research online. If you need to find websites on a given subject rather than those that include a specific phrase, add the “~” symbol to your search. For example, if you search for the term “healthy ~food” you’ll get results about the principles of healthy eating, cooking recipes, as well as healthy dining options.

  3. Searching within websites Sometimes you read an interesting article on a website and find yourself subsequently wanting to share it with your friends or simply reread it. The easiest way to find the desired piece of information again is to search within the website. To do this, type the address of the site, then a key word or entire phrase from the article, and it should come up immediately. salad

  4. The power of the asterisk When our cunning memory decides to prevent us from recalling that one key word, phrase, or number we need in order to find what we’re looking for, you can turn to the powerful “” symbol. Just use this in the place of the word/phrase you can’t remember, and you should be able to find the results you’re looking for. Like : 11.22

  5. When lots of words are missing If it’s the lengthier half of the phrase you can’t remember rather than a single key word, try writing out the first and last words and putting “AROUND + (the approximate number of missing words)“ between them. For example, ”I wandered AROUND(4) cloud.” Like: I wandered AROUND(4) cloud

  6. Using a time frame Sometimes we urgently need to acquaint ourselves with events that occurred during a certain period of time. To do so, you can add a time frame to your search query with the help of three dots between the dates. For example, if we want to find out about scientific discoveries during the 20th century, we can write: Like: Scientific discoveries 1900…2000

  7. Searching for a title or URL To help find the key words and name of an article, type “intitle:“ before the search term, without any spaces between them. In order to find the words from a URL, use ”inurl:”. Like: intitle:husky

  8. Finding similar websites If you’ve found something you really like online and want to find similar websites, type in “related:” and then the address of the site, again without a space between them. Like:

  9. Whole phrases Framing the search term within quotation marks is the simplest and most effective way to find something specific and in the exact order you typed it in. For example, if you type in the words I’m picking up good vibrations without quotation marks, the search engine will show the results where these words appear in any order on a website, as opposed to the specific order in which you typed them. If, on the other hand, you type “I’m picking up good vibrations” within quotation marks, you’ll get only those results where these words appear only in the order you typed them in. This is a great way to find the lyrics to a song when you only know one line from it. Like: “I’m picking up good vibrations”

  10. Unimportant search words To remove unimportant search words from your query, simply write a minus symbol before each one. For example, if you want to find a site about interesting books, but you aren’t looking to buy them, you can write the following: Like: interesting books -buy

15 Powerful jQuery Tips and Tricks for Developers

15 Powerful jQuery Tips and Tricks for Developers

In this article we will take a look at 15 jQuery techniques which will be useful for your effective use of the library. We will start with a few tips about performance and continue with short introductions to some of the library’s more obscure features.

1) Use the Latest Version of jQuery With all the innovation taking place in the jQuery project, one of the easiest ways to improve the performance of your web site is to simply use the latest version of jQuery. Every release of the library introduces optimizations and bug fixes, and most of the time upgrading involves only changing a script tag.

You can even include jQuery directly from Google’s servers, which provide free CDN hosting for a number of JavaScript libraries.

The latter example will include the latest 1.6.x version automatically as it becomes available, but as pointed out on css-tricks, it is cached only for an hour, so you better not use it in production environments.

2) Keep Selectors Simple Up until recently, retrieving DOM elements with jQuery was a finely choreographed combination of parsing selector strings, JavaScript loops and inbuilt APIs like getElementById(), getElementsByTagName() and getElementsByClassName(). But now, all major browsers support querySelectorAll(), which understands CSS query selectors and brings a significant performance gain.

However, you should still try to optimize the way you retrieve elements. Not to mention that a lot of users still use older browsers that force jQuery into traversing the DOM tree, which is slow. $(‘li[data-selected=”true”] a’) // Fancy, but slow $(‘li.selected a’) // Better $(‘#elem’) // Best Selecting by id is the fastest. If you need to select by class name, prefix it with a tag – $(‘li.selected’). These optimizations mainly affect older browsers and mobile devices. Accessing the DOM will always be the slowest part of every JavaScript application, so minimizing it is beneficial. One of the ways to do this, is to cache the results that jQuery gives you. The variable you choose will hold a jQuery object, which you can access later in your script. var buttons = $(‘#navigation a.button’); // Some prefer prefixing their jQuery variables with $: var $buttons = $(‘#navigation a.button’); Another thing worth noting, is that jQuery gives you a large number of additional selectors for convenience, such as :visible, :hidden, :animated and more, which are not valid CSS3 selectors. The result is that if you use them the library cannot utilize querySelectorAll(). To remedy the situation, you can first select the elements you want to work with, and later filter them, like this: $(‘a.button:animated’); // Does not use querySelectorAll() $(‘a.button’).filter(‘:animated’); // Uses it The results of the above are the same, with the exception that the second example is faster.

3) jQuery Objects as Arrays The result of running a selector is a jQuery object. However, the library makes it appear as if you are working with an array by defining index elements and a length. // Selecting all the navigation buttons: var buttons = $(‘#navigation a.button’); // We can loop though the collection: for(var i=0;i console.log(buttons[i]); // A DOM element, not a jQuery object } // We can even slice it: var firstFour = buttons.slice(0,4); If performance is what you are after, using a simple for (or a while) loop instead of $.each(), can make your code several times faster. Checking the length is also the only way to determine whether your collection contains any elements. if(buttons){ // This is always true // Do something } if(buttons.length){ // True only if buttons contains elements // Do something }

4) The Selector Property jQuery provides a property which contains the selector that was used to start the chain. $(‘#container li:first-child’).selector // #container li:first-child $(‘#container li’).filter(‘:first-child’).selector // #container li.filter(:first-child) Although the examples above target the same element, the selectors are quite different. The second one is actually invalid – you can’t use it as the basis of a new jQuery object. It only shows that the filter method was used to narrow down the collection.

5) Create an Empty jQuery Object Creating a new jQuery object can bring significant overhead. Sometimes, you might need to create an empty object, and fill it in with the add() method later. var container = $([]); container.add(another_element); This is also the basis for the quickEach() method that you can use as a faster alternative to the default each().

6) Select a Random Element As I mentioned above, jQuery adds its own selection filters. As with everything else in the library, you can also create your own. To do this simply add a new function to the $.expr[‘:’] object. One awesome use case was presented by Waldek Mastykarz on his blog: creating a selector for retrieving a random element. You can see a slightly modified version of his code below: (function($){ var random = 0; $.expr[‘:’].random = function(a, i, m, r) { if (i == 0) { random = Math.floor(Math.random() * r.length); } return i == random; }; })(jQuery); // This is how you use it: $(‘li:random’).addClass(‘glow’);

7) Use CSS Hooks The CSS hooks API was introduced to give developers the ability to get and set particular CSS values. Using it, you can hide browser specific implementations and expose a unified interface for accessing particular properties. $.cssHooks[‘borderRadius’] = { get: function(elem, computed, extra){ // Depending on the browser, read the value of // -moz-border-radius, -webkit-border-radius or border-radius }, set: function(elem, value){ // Set the appropriate CSS3 property } }; // Use it without worrying which property the browser actually understands: $(‘#rect’).css(‘borderRadius’,5); What is even better, is that people have already built a rich library of supported CSS hooks that you can use for free in your next project.

8) Use Custom Easing Functions You have probably heard of the jQuery easing plugin by now – it allows you to add effects to your animations. The only shortcoming is that this is another JavaScript file your visitors have to load. Luckily enough, you can simply copy the effect you need from the plugin file, and add it to the jQuery.easing object: $.easing.easeInOutQuad = function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2tt + b; return -c/2 * ((–t)*(t-2) – 1) + b; } // To use it: $(‘#elem’).animate({width:200},’slow’,’easeInOutQuad’);

9) The $.proxy() One of the drawbacks to using callback functions in jQuery has always been that when they are executed by a method of the library, the context is set to a different element. For example, if you have this markup: And you try to execute this code: $(‘#panel’).fadeIn(function(){ // this points to #panel $(‘#panel button’).click(function(){ // this points to the button $(this).fadeOut(); }); }); You will run into a problem – the button will disappear, not the panel. With $.proxy, you can write it like this: $(‘#panel’).fadeIn(function(){ // Using $.proxy to bind this: $(‘#panel button’).click($.proxy(function(){ // this points to #panel $(this).fadeOut(); },this)); }); Which will do what you expect. The $.proxy function takes two arguments – your original function, and a context. It returns a new function in which the value of this is always fixed to the context. You can read more about $.proxy in the docs.

10) Determine the Weight of Your Page A simple fact: the more content your page has, the more time it takes your browser to render it. You can get a quick count of the number of DOM elements on your page by running this in your console: console.log( $(‘*’).length ); The smaller the number, the faster the website is rendered. You can optimize it by removing redundant markup and unnecessary wrapping elements.

11) Turn your Code into a jQuery Plugin If you invest some time in writing a piece of jQuery code, consider turning it into a plugin. This promotes code reuse, limits dependencies and helps you organize your project’s code base. Most of the tutorials on Tutorialzine are organized as plugins, so that it is easy for people to simply drop them in their sites and use them. Creating a jQuery plugin couldn’t be easier: (function($){ $.fn.yourPluginName = function(){ // Your code goes here return this; }; })(jQuery); Read a detailed tutorial on turning jQuery code into a plugin.

12) Set Global AJAX Defaults When triggering AJAX requests in your application, you often need to display some kind of indication that a request is in progress. This can be done by displaying a loading animation, or using a dark overlay. Managing this indicator in every single $.get or $.post call can quickly become tedious. The best solution is to set global AJAX defaults using one of jQuery’s methods. // ajaxSetup is useful for setting general defaults: $.ajaxSetup({ url : ‘/ajax/’, dataType : ‘json’ }); $.ajaxStart(function(){ showIndicator(); disableButtons(); }); $.ajaxComplete(function(){ hideIndicator(); enableButtons(); }); /* // Additional methods you can use: $.ajaxStop(); $.ajaxError(); $.ajaxSuccess(); $.ajaxSend(); */ Read the docs about jQuery’s AJAX functionality.

13) Use delay() for Animations Chaining animation effects is a powerful tool in every jQuery developer’s toolbox. One of the more overlooked features is that you can introduce delays between animations. // This is wrong: $(‘#elem’).animate({width:200},function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $(‘#elem’).animate({marginTop:100}); },2000); }); // Do it like this: $(‘#elem’).animate({width:200}).delay(2000).animate({marginTop:100}); To appreciate how much time jQuery’s animation() save us, just imagine if you had to manage everything yourself: you would need to set timeouts, parse property values, keep track of the animation progress, cancel when appropriate and update numerous variables on every step. Read the docs about jQuery animations.

15) Local Storage and jQuery Local storage is a dead simple API for storing information on the client side. Simply add your data as a property of the global localStorage object: localStorage.someData = “This is going to be saved across page refreshes and browser restarts”; The bad news is that it is not supported in older browsers. This is where you can use one of the many jQuery plugins that provide different fallbacks if localStorage is not available, which makes client-side storage work almost everywhere. Here is an example using the $.jStorage jQuery plugin: // Check if “key” exists in the storage var value = $.jStorage.get(“key”); if(!value){ // if not – load the data from the server value = load_data_from_server(); // and save it $.jStorage.set(“key”,value); } // Use value To Wrap it Up The techniques presented here will give you a head start in effectively using the jQuery library

Business Vs Job

Many time we come across the same question if I should enter in business or should I continue my fixed salary job.

Answer to this question depends upon many facts but some of them I am trying to list down.

Are you willing to take the risk in your career, as keep it noted business may not succeed and you will get a complete failure as well as a setback? How well are you financially settled and what is your settle down period? Less the settle down period, more are the chances to lead to close down it soon. How good you are handling people, managing their problems, taking challenges in life and be confident enough to ensure it will be fixed by you. Who are your partners and how trustworthy are they, as any business stands on pillars and if any one pillar is weak you will collide independent of how well or strong other pillars are. Are you sure about area/domain where you are doing business is currently trending, or you will be able to succeed in that? There is no point selling ice in Himalaya or selling sand in the desert. How well versed you are with the skills required to manage that business? What is the source of leads to run that business and what are sources for your raw material? In other words, what are options for clients and what are options for vendors? Do you have the right combination of people in your plan to run the business? If answers to most of the above questions are yes, congratulations you are ready to run your own venture. But still it is not yet done, there is a long way to go. We need to find out risks, create a mitigation plan for it. But yes don't have paralysis of analysis, successful business never runs on exhaustive analysis though should have adequate analysis.

On the other hand, Job should be done by people who want to enjoy the liberty of being working for fixed hours and want to grow in a career as a professional but in a secured environment.

I always say

Job is 8 hours business and business is 24 hours job!" The job will never give you security but it just gives you mental satisfaction that you will get your salary at the end of the month. You never know when it will be stopped due to any unforeseen circumstances, but is something similar to blind watchman saying

"All is well !!!!" Job is good for some cases where there are dependencies and you may not have adequate environment and support ( need not to be financial always ), as most of the businessmen create adverse situation diversified for their businesses.

At the end doing business is always fun as you are going to do everything for your own and is a worthwhile experience.

Happy reading and hope it motivates at least few people !!!

Rahul Gajanan Teni

Technology Consultant / Solution Architect

Austere Systems Private Limited