Austere System Ltd Austere System Ltd

Game Development

Game Development

Problem Statement

  • Poor Retention Rates: The lack of interactive elements in traditional training caused employees to forget information quickly, resulting in low retention rates.
  • Lack of Enthusiasm: Without engaging content, employees showed little enthusiasm for participating in training, impacting their overall learning experience.
  • Challenges in Knowledge Transfer: Teaching employees about complex topics like products, sales, and marketing proved difficult with traditional methods. Employees struggled to grasp and retain critical information.
  • Need for Interactive Learning: The company identified a need for a more interactive and engaging learning approach. This would help ensure that employees effectively absorb and retain important knowledge about their roles and responsibilities.

  • Effective Dissemination of Information: To improve knowledge dissemination, a shift towards interactive learning methods was necessary. This change aimed to make training sessions more dynamic and impactful, enhancing employee understanding and performance.


  • Educational Focus: These games were designed to educate teams on various critical aspects such as products, sales strategies, marketing techniques, and logistics processes.
  • Utilized Gamification Principles: Incorporated gamification principles to transform traditional learning into engaging and enjoyable experiences. This included using game-like elements such as points, levels, and rewards.
  • Fostered Active Participation: The interactive nature of the games encouraged employees to actively participate in the learning process, making the training sessions more dynamic and interactive.
  • Maintained Employee Interest: The engaging format of the games helped in maintaining and boosting employee interest and motivation throughout the training sessions.
  • Enhanced Learning Experience: Aimed to make the learning experience not only fun but also more effective, ensuring that employees retained the knowledge and skills more efficiently.


  • Boosts Engagement: Gamified learning makes employees more interested and excited about their training by offering rewards and leaderboards.
  • Encourages Participation: Employees are more likely to take part in learning activities when they know they can earn points, badges, or other rewards.
  • Improves Learning Results: Interactive games help employees remember what they learn better and improve their skills.
  • Makes Learning Fun: Adding game elements to training makes it more enjoyable, which can lead to better focus and commitment.
  • Builds Healthy Competition: Leaderboards create a sense of friendly competition, motivating employees to perform better and learn more.
  • Provides Instant Feedback: Gamified learning often includes immediate feedback, helping employees understand their mistakes and learn from them quickly.

Austere Systems Ltd